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Monday, November 24, 2008

10 Ways To Discover If You Are An Entrepreneur

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Take The Entrepreneurial Challenge

Have you ever wondered if you would make a great entrepreneur? If so, then I want you to take the Entrepreneurial Challenge. In this test you will discover the characteristic that entrepreneurs have that make us successful in life, and remember that most of us started out by just recognizing that we where different or desired a change from the normal boring and unstable lives that we were living.

Take the challenge, but I am warning you if you rank 90-100% on this test and discover that you are a born entrepreneur, you will never be the same again. This awareness of your true calling will change your life forever, and until you do something about it you will crave entrepreneurial freedom even if it is the last thing you do!

Complete The Entrepreneurial Challenge At Your Own Risk

1. Yes or No.
Are you a self starter?

2. Yes or No.
Do you enjoy the feeling of success?

3. Yes or No.
Can you lead others on subjects that you know well?

4. Yes or No.
Can you take charge and be the person who always gets things done?

5. Yes or No.
Do you feel that you are not being challenged enough and/or that you
have more to offer?

6. Yes or No.
Do you always wonder if there is more to life than your job, and/or
cannot see yourself working as an employee forever?

7. Yes or No.
Do you ever wish that you had more money to spend and/or want to live a
better lifestyle?

8. Yes or No.
Can you finish what you have started if you are passionate about the
things that you are doing?

9. Yes or No.
Are you a person of your word, and always follow through with what you
commit to?

10. Yes or No.
Are you ready for a change and sick and tired of making other people

Add up the number of Yes answers in the Entrepreneurial Challenge.

If you have scored less than 5, you are not quite ready to move forward and need some more time to discover your desires.

If you have scored between 6 and 8, but answered Yes on question 10, then you are ready to move forward slowly with proper guidance.

If you have scored 9 or higher than you are ready right now to change your life, get educated on the opportunities that are out there for you, and swiftly begin transforming into an entrepreneur.

Remember that being an entrepreneur is only a decision of character for someone who wants a better life.

Friday, November 14, 2008

7 Top Secrets To Your Internet Marketing Success

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Let’s be real people, when first getting involved with Internet Marketing it can be very difficult find success. In fact, 98% of all individuals who attempt to start their own Internet Marketing business end up quitting in their first 90 days. There are many reasons for that that I won’t touch on in this article. But rather, I would like to give those of you who are looking to become successful Internet Marketers 8 steps for reaching the top and becoming successful in this business. Those 8 Steps are as follows:

You Must Take Responsibility For Your Own Life

It is very easy to blame the world for all of your problems and failures. I have had many people in my downline who blamed me for the reason their business didn’t grow and prosper. But the question I asked them was did they look at themselves? People will come up with all sorts of excuses to justify their losses and failures. These are people who oftentimes have no self-control, have no vision/dream or objectives. You must realize that only you are accountable for your career no one else.

Find A Mentor

Finding a mentor will help you be accountable to someone outside of yourself. Having someone who will constantly challenge you, support you and train you s imperative. Even celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods and basketball legend Michael Jordan have a mentor or life coach that guided them on the pathway to success.

You Must Live Your Life With A Purpose

When I first got involved in Internet Marketing I was only interested in making lots of money to bail me out of the financial turmoil I was going through at the time. But then my sponsor/mentor asked me to do some deep soul-searching and asked me to define what my purpose was. Once I defined that purpose, my goals and an attitude as an Internet Marketer took on another level as I lived by that purpose. When you define your own purpose, you will take more concern and care with what you do with your life and career.

Develop Intense Focused Thought

Learn to develop Intense Focused thought on your business and your goals. When you are focused, it is not so easy to get side-tracked by things that are not pertinent to the development of your business and career. Maintaining intense focus will help you reach your dream of success.

Do Whatever It Takes

You must be willing to do whatever it takes to be successful. Now, there is a difference between doing your best and doing whatever it takes. Decide for yourself at this very moment what you are willing to do to achieve success.

Write Down All Your Plans In Order To Achieve Your Goals

90% of being a successful Internet Marketer is mental. The other 10% is actually following through. But to achieve your goals without some sort of written visualization can create confusion and a lack of focus and direction. If you don’t write your goals and aspirations downs then you will not know how to achieve them.

Never Give Up

There are going to be times when you are going to want to “throw in the towel” and completely give up. Do not allow yourself to do so under any costs! If you truly want to make it in this business let nothing stop you from achieving your dreams.

Success is a choice and so is failure. Now what will your choice be?

The One Key To Sustain Your Business During The Economic Crisis

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The present economic crisis and talk of recession left a lot of entrepreneurs both Online and offline worried on whether they will be able to survive and stay over the coming months and years. So many people who are working from home, doing well with their home business income opportunity on the internet are also worried. They are concern whether or not the products they sell, the affiliate programs they offer or even their services will continue to sell.

In times of economic uncertainty and financial crisis, business entrepreneurs need to understand the importance of building and maintaining trust with their customers. Economic crisis also offers equal number of opportunities. It is the business that responds and provides quality service to the customer’s needs and wins their trust that is going to survive.

Anxiety and difficult times also offer opportunities, internet marketers and people who provide Home business opportunities should take advantage of such times. Because of the interactive nature of the Internet offers so many opportunities for online marketers to get to know their customers and website visitors, learn what they want and respond to their needs . It is crucial to engage them in a friendly, informal dialogue that develops into a relationship of trust.

Building relationship with your customers can be done in different ways:

1. Inviting people to visit and comment on your blog posts and then
responding with follow-up comments. This is very effective way of communicating with your customers, affiliates and other Home business opportunity owners. It provides the freedom to study a problem in depth and respond with a solution as it does not require an immediate response.

2. Another option is to participate in forums that attract your target market or Social network marketing sites. Forums are where people with a similar interest come together to share and learn from each other’s experiences. Posting in forum will attract the members to read the post and offer suggestions, advice and at times solutions. People go to forums to read reviews and comments about products and services. Interacting with your customers through forums will build trust and could build a lasting relationship.

3. E-mail, instant messaging, Skype, Google talk all offer the Home business entrepreneurs opportunities to communicate with clients at various levels of intensity in order to discover where they are coming from and build rapport with them. These forms of communication are a must especially if you are offering some Home business income opportunities. People opting for Home business online are often skeptical and like to first establish the credibility of the people they are dealing with.

The key to surviving the ongoing financial crisis is to build and maintain trust with your customers. This is so important for entrepreneurs who own and run Home business income opportunities as the greater number of your customers are people whom you have not met face to face. Remember it takes time to build trust. Trust is a two way process that is both rational and emotional. It is not possible to win a prospect’s trust without putting in some hard work initially. Trying to sell them with products first is not a good way to raise your credit rating with your customers. You may just lose a prospective client.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Small Business on Internet

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You can make money online up to $10,000 a month. Start with your own website or blog. Engage in social media and build your followings across several platforms. Whether you use your blog to sell something, interact with others in your niche or just get out a message, writing with clarity is essential.

Secure the right name and keep it out of the hands of your competitors, cybersquatters and typosquatters. Secure more than one domain to protect your brand and increase your reach.

The benefits of creating a business are not only financial; making a business is a character defining venture. You know, if you’re not busy, you sit home, get fat and die.

I’d have to say that in the past two years, I’ve had to overcome some of the biggest challenges of entrepreneurship. I had a strong desire, but I didn’t know how to turn it into a successful business.

I made some whopping mistakes in my first years, but the challenges of the intermediate entrepreneur are a little different. In general, entrepreneurs are enthusiastic and bright risk takers who are willing to take a chance and create new markets.

But remember, you don't need to have all the traits associated with entrepreneurship to be a successful entrepreneur. The main quality you need is a determination to make your business venture succeed.

Entrepreneurs could be described as the explorers, innovators and pioneers of the business community. These independent people don’t want anyone bossing them around.

But, it doesn't mean turning things on their heads without understanding all the possible consequences. Look for leadership roles that will demonstrate your strengths, talents and skills.

As an entrepreneur, publicity can be the key to taking your venture to the next level. Entrepreneurs should understand this upfront and not get flustered when market acceptance comes slowly. Search engines are an excellent source of high quality web traffic. Classifieds can bring in about $40,000 a year. RSS is a way to automatically publish (syndicate) someone else's content on your web site

An entrepreneur has the greatest chance of success by focusing on a market niche either too small or too new to have been noticed by established businesses. The role of a few great entrepreneurs whose vision, dynamism and energy have contributed to shape the new economic landscape.

As an entrepreneur I have more time to enjoy life and best of all I can choose the types of projects I spend my time on. In my experience, too little balance can actually put you out of business, especially if you are a solopreneur.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

3 Keys That Will Triple Your Affiliate Commission

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Affiliate marketing is one of the leading money making strategies on the internet since the day it started. A lot of people who are trying to make a fortune online have chosen affiliate marketing as their main money making method.

In fact, it has created more internet millionaires than any other online business module. If you are new and wanted to learn about internet marketing, affiliate program is a great learning ground for you.

Unfortunately, many affiliates still having hard times in making sales for their affiliate business, why is this so? One of the reasons is because many people do not know how affiliate marketing works and what determine their affiliate commission. In order for you to triple your affiliate commission, you must first understand what determines it, and then only improve the factor so that you will increase your affiliate incomes.

1. The number of traffic you receive through your affiliate link is one of the most important factors that are going to determine your affiliate commission. This is a common sense, the more visitors you have to your affiliate link, the more sales you are going to get. Traffic generation is something that you must take action upon. If you want to have massive amount of traffic, you must take massive amount of action. There is no magic button for getting traffic. Most people fail to drive traffic to their website because they procrastinate and never take the necessary action. So get out of your comfort zone now and be ready to get your feet wet.

2. Your conversion rate. If 100 visitors go through your affiliate link and 2 of them buy, you will have a conversion rate of 2%. Again, you must learn how to improve your conversion rate so that all the effort you put into traffic generation will not be wasted. Think about it, if you drive 1,000 visitors to your website, and only 1 of them buy, you are actually wasting 999 visitors. Therefore, you must learn to improve your conversion rate as soon as possible.

3. Repeating sales is the third key that will determine your affiliate commission. I believe that you understand that you want to have as many sales as possible from the same customer right? It has been told that it is much easier to generate repeat sales than to look for new customer. This is because those who had purchased from you before knew who you are and you have already established good relationship with them. Therefore, it is always easier for you to generate sales from the same customer.

These are the 3 keys that determine your affiliate commission. If you want to triple your affiliate incomes, you must improve these 3 keys. Remember, improve your conversion rate, drive more traffic and generate more repeat sales are the 3 factors that you must focus in.

Internet Businesses: Work From Home

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These days, lots of people are searching for a high potential home based business. A well chosen home based career could be a potent secondary source of income, or a new business that could bring you happiness.

Here are a few of the possibilities that can have you working from home soon. A lot of great home based career opportunities out there are online endeavors. An online business has an abundance of desirable aspects when sized up to different categories of home based jobs. Making your business an online enterprise, there are a few interesting bonuses that you won't have in other fields.

A good observation is that the strongest thing about a well designed internet operation is that it will work for you all day, all year. That one advantage, by itself, makes an online company a powerful place to look for a home based business opportunity. Just think about how nice it would be having a business that creates money during the time you're away from the computer.

We will mention a couple of standard types of businesses that an entrepreneur can choose from to become wealthy with an online business. We can divide this list of opportunities into two definitive groups. The lists are 1, having an online job, and 2, working for your self.
The initial category will refer to any type of occupation where you get a job, and are paid by, someone else.

You will come across many categories of online, home based, job offers out there. A short list most certainly would include, virtual assistant, virtual secretary, and ghost writing.

There isn't much that you need to get hired for nearly any of these online work from home jobs. It will be presumed that, you must be trained, or prepared to learn, to perform the deeds that you are hired to do. Almost for sure you will be required to have a phone for pretty much any of these kinds of internet jobs.

The next thing that everyone will need is a computer. If you're good, most employers feel that they benefit from having a work from home arrangement. The business gains not just because of your work, and your equipment, but also saves office space.

The second group has online business options that are only for the people who hope to be their own boss. The various businesses that you can try include, consulting work affiliate selling, and marketing. This short list is simply a few of all the possible ways to make a living that you can discover.

Choosing any of these opportunities, you will be your own boss. You have to choose how much time you put in, and you need to make all the decisions in your online business. The potential for profits are there, but so are the responsibilities, in running your own company.

In our opinion, it is advisable to set out on this untested business as a part time job. The effect of this will be to ease the pressure as you initiate your new business. After a while, if you are successful, you will decide if you want to shift over to your new career as a full time career.
Work from home careers seem to have become the direction things are going.

Do the work, and take note of all the options that could be a good fit for you. If you find the right business, and work hard, you might get lucky, and become very rich.

Doing Internet Business

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Internet provides good opportunities for the entrepreneurs and the small businesses, doing business online offers unique challenges & needs new skills.

Get knowledge that you require with hands on advice from qualified e-business professionals. There are many ways to earn money on Internet. You will be able to sell your item, sell other peoples item & make some commissions, take reviews for gifts & cash and play some games for money; just to name some.

With all opportunity Internet needs to present, it is no doubt that thousands of businesses have now emerged. Internet has turned out to be a perfect place to market that anybody has to present & has made one of the largest home business chances of centuries. Many people who might not have been capable to start the business are now getting their option. The Internet business is completely achievable if you concentrate on right things.

Put up your business with the customer in mind and learn to reach out problems & after that bombard it with the solutions. Be receptive, caring, & considerate. Know that it takes some money to earn money. Think about all decisions cautiously, listen to experts, & be constant. If that is not sufficient here are some additional starters, which are positive to make the difference.

Internet is not just good place that will make you rich with good ideas and service, however is also great means to help in the business transactions. Major benefit is that info about products and selling of the products is linked like never before.

Web is great for the business on equal ends of exchange due to convenience & speed. Customer will just order the products with given codes that eliminate need to copy code and double check to make sure the accuracy.

Setting up the business on Internet is a profitable way to draw customers, increase your market, & increase the sales. For most part, steps to starting the online business are same as beginning any of the business. However, doing business on Internet comes with the additional legal & financial considerations, mainly in areas of security, privacy, copyright, & taxation.

Doing business Online can as well mean moving or supplementing existing business purposes, not only opening the online shop. It is significant “first impression” & a powerful tool for the info. When geared to existing clients and customers, it will significantly raise their satisfaction & loyalty.