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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

3 Keys That Will Triple Your Affiliate Commission

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Affiliate marketing is one of the leading money making strategies on the internet since the day it started. A lot of people who are trying to make a fortune online have chosen affiliate marketing as their main money making method.

In fact, it has created more internet millionaires than any other online business module. If you are new and wanted to learn about internet marketing, affiliate program is a great learning ground for you.

Unfortunately, many affiliates still having hard times in making sales for their affiliate business, why is this so? One of the reasons is because many people do not know how affiliate marketing works and what determine their affiliate commission. In order for you to triple your affiliate commission, you must first understand what determines it, and then only improve the factor so that you will increase your affiliate incomes.

1. The number of traffic you receive through your affiliate link is one of the most important factors that are going to determine your affiliate commission. This is a common sense, the more visitors you have to your affiliate link, the more sales you are going to get. Traffic generation is something that you must take action upon. If you want to have massive amount of traffic, you must take massive amount of action. There is no magic button for getting traffic. Most people fail to drive traffic to their website because they procrastinate and never take the necessary action. So get out of your comfort zone now and be ready to get your feet wet.

2. Your conversion rate. If 100 visitors go through your affiliate link and 2 of them buy, you will have a conversion rate of 2%. Again, you must learn how to improve your conversion rate so that all the effort you put into traffic generation will not be wasted. Think about it, if you drive 1,000 visitors to your website, and only 1 of them buy, you are actually wasting 999 visitors. Therefore, you must learn to improve your conversion rate as soon as possible.

3. Repeating sales is the third key that will determine your affiliate commission. I believe that you understand that you want to have as many sales as possible from the same customer right? It has been told that it is much easier to generate repeat sales than to look for new customer. This is because those who had purchased from you before knew who you are and you have already established good relationship with them. Therefore, it is always easier for you to generate sales from the same customer.

These are the 3 keys that determine your affiliate commission. If you want to triple your affiliate incomes, you must improve these 3 keys. Remember, improve your conversion rate, drive more traffic and generate more repeat sales are the 3 factors that you must focus in.

1 comment:

Torben said...

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